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Begin the Journey to Discover Orisa

Have you wondered what the Orisa are and how your life can be guided by this ancient West African Spiritual Tradition? 

If you've been searching for...

  • Practical lessons to help you expand your knowledge of the Orisa tradition, you are in the right place.
  • A way to develop a relationship with the Orisa (spiritual divinities), you are in the right place.

  • A clear path to discover your guiding Orisa and to prepare for initiation, you are in the right place.
  •  A supportive community to  grow spiritually in the Yoruba spiritual tradition, you are in the right place.

Our informative, practical courses along with an active community of engaged learners is designed to provide foundational knowledge and basic practices to start your journey in this ancient spiritual tradition.

What you'll get:

  • Understanding of the Yoruba cosmology
  • A safe community to learn, practice, and grow
  • Understand what Orisa are learn and practice their characteristics
  • Practical, traditional activities to connect you to various Orisa energies
  • Teachings to prepare you for a deeper connection with Orisa energies through initiation
  • Familiarity with Yoruba language pronunciation

The courses and community is designed to help you have a clear foundation to understand the Orisa spiritual tradition. 

This journey is designed to highlight and give you access to the brilliance of the Yoruba ancestors. 

Iyanifa Ekundayo Efuntomisin ~ Founder, Ile Ifa Otura Orire ~ Spiritual Mentor & Teacher

The courses are taught by Iyanifa Ekundayo Efuntomisin, your Spiritual Mentor on this journey. She is a decades-long student of the Ifa/Orisa tradition. She is initiated to Ifa, Obatala, Osun, Ogun and other Orisa. Her deepest desire is to align her Ori (inner spirit) with her destiny. She's excited to welcome you on this journey.

Your monthly subscription gives you full access to the courses and community designed for an a person who is not yet initiated into the Orisa spiritual tradition.